Last chance to have your say on proposals to transform nursing and specialist care

Hampshire County Council is reminding the public that the consultation on proposals that would see some £173million invested over the next five to six years to transform and expand the future of nursing and specialist care accommodation for older people directly provided by the Local Authority, is due to close in just over a week, on 12 November

Nov 3 2023

The proposals put forward by the Local Authority’s adult social care service recommend concentrating on the delivery of specialist nursing care, complex dementia care and short-term support – to either prevent a hospital admission or support a hospital discharge. This would not only meet the needs of a growing number of older people in Hampshire in the longer term but would be care that could be provided more cost effectively by the Local Authority. 

The proposals comprise suggestions to invest in new homes, expand some existing homes and close some of the Local Authority’s older homes.  Any changes would be phased over time and would help to increase the overall number of directly provided beds to around 1,000 from the current position of just over 900 beds.

The consultation pack and form are available in a range of alternative formats, including other languages, as well as ‘Easy Read’, large print, audio or Braille. Anyone who may require this, is asked to email the County Council at: [email protected], or call: 0370 779 8102.

The findings from the formal public consultation process will be considered by the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee in January 2024 prior to the Executive Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health taking any formal decisions, on the specific proposals, no earlier than February 2024.