The £1.68 million scheme, delivered by Hampshire County Council, on behalf of Whitehill and Bordon Regeneration Company, has created Arrival Square, a new access to what will be a newly built town centre which connects residents living in the nearby existing housing developments.
Councillor Nick Adams-King, the County Council’s Executive Lead Member for Universal Services, said: “I am sure residents will agree that Arrival Square has created a high quality and inviting focal point for what will be a new town centre, as well as facilitating the opening of a new supermarket, supporting the town’s vibrancy and contributing to community wellbeing. This project also forms part of a wider network of walking and cycling facilities, such as The Green Loop, a 7km network of walking and cycling paths that encircle and criss-cross the town and allows residents to leave their car at home and travel around the town in a healthy and sustainable way.”
James Child, Project Lead for Whitehill and Bordon Regeneration Company, said: “The Arrival Square works mark a pivotal point in the project. Joining the new and existing parts of the town together has provided a welcome insight into what the new town centre will feel like for the community. The block paving will open up to a free-flowing walkway through the centre of retail units and apartments, leading to the food store, Shed and Mess Hall entertainment areas. We are excited to have completed this stage of the project and look forward to the upcoming town centre developments, which will further complement the existing businesses and buildings throughout Whitehill and Bordon.”
Improvements delivered
• A new roundabout has been created to replace traffic signals at the junction of High Street and Chalet Hill;
• The High Street between Chalet Hill and Budds Lane has been narrowed to slow traffic and make way for a new bus layby;
• Controlled parallel crossings have been provided, north of the Chalet Hill junction and south of the Budds Lane junction, to enable safer crossing points from east to west and vice-versa;
• A traffic signal-controlled crossing has been provided south of Chalet Hill to provide safe access to the new leisure centre, a proposed health hub and town centre;
• The road and footways have been resurfaced and improvements made to the highway drainage system.
• New street furniture including bins, bus shelters and cycle parking stands.
Since the beginning of the town’s transformation, the County Council has worked in partnership with East Hampshire District Council and the Whitehill and Bordon Regeneration Company to deliver a range of walking and cycling improvements to support the successful regeneration from a garrison town to a green, healthy and connected town. This collaboration extends to the development of the Community Travel Plan, which will include a range of active and sustainable travel measures promoting and enabling healthy lifestyles. An e-newsletter is available for residents to sign-up to and ensure they receive the latest news, events and campaigns, such as the current Walk Day promotion.
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