New cycle link between Eastleigh and Southampton complete

People wanting to cycle between Eastleigh and Southampton have received a boost thanks to the completion of a new £1.5 million route by Hampshire County Council

Dec 12 2023

Eastleigh town centre cycle route

The 1.2-mile connection links existing cycle and pedestrian routes including Southampton City Council’s Cycle Network “SCN” route 7, helping to expand safe cycling journey options. 

Councillor Nick Adams-King, the County Council’s Cabinet Lead for Universal Services, said: “We want to make it easier for people to leave their car at home and choose instead to cycle or walk, especially for shorter local journeys, as this helps to reduce pollution and provide a healthier way to travel. This new cycle lane provides a dedicated route for cyclists and pedestrians, linking to key public hubs including Eastleigh and Southampton Airport Parkway railway stations. I acknowledge that these works did cause some short-term disruption locally and I would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding while these improvement works were completed.”

This scheme provides a continuous cycle route, utilising existing streets by improving crossing facilities, signage and access between Eastleigh railway station and Arnold Road, via Eastleigh town centre. The route utilises roads parallel to the A335, enabling cyclists to avoid this heavily congested road.

The finished scheme includes:
• The replacement of several existing cycle lanes.
• The introduction of new cycle lane sections between Leigh Road and Arnold Road. 
• Changes to the road layout along Desborough Road where the priority has been changed to allow cyclists to travel down Desborough Road without having to give way to cars. There are new priority and give way signs clearly marked on junctions at Factory Road/ Wells Place, Grantham Road, Cherbourg Road.
• Traffic speed reduction measures on Chestnut Avenue.

Most of the funding for the scheme came from a successful bid by the County Council, in partnership with Southampton City Council, to the Department for Transport’s Transforming Cities Fund for £57 million. 

The County Council appointed Mildren Construction Ltd to construct the new cycle route. Work started on 12 June and finished at the end of November 2023. 

For more information visit the scheme web page: 

For more information about other schemes Hampshire County Council will be delivering as part of the Southampton City region Transforming Cities Fund, visit: 

Photo caption:

From left to right – Simon French, Managing Director of Mildren Construction Ltd with Councillor Nick Adams-King, Hampshire County Council’s Cabinet Lead for Universal Services officially opening the new Eastleigh town centre cycle route, supported by students and teachers from Barton Peveril College.