Tap into solar power to save on bills and tackle climate change

An opportunity for Hampshire residents to benefit from competitively priced, high-quality solar panel installation and save on future energy bills is once again available through the 2024 Solar Together scheme

Aug 19 2024

A hand holding a small wooden toy house with pitched roof up to the sun in a rural setting

The solar energy group-buying scheme, offered by independent experts iChoosr and promoted by Hampshire County Council, enables residents to invest in solar panels for their homes, fitted by pre-vetted installers, to reduce reliance on the national grid and lower their energy bills, as well as boost local renewable energy generation. 

Through Solar Together, over 28,400 solar panels have already been installed in Hampshire – it is estimated that these installations alone will reduce carbon emissions by 59,205 tonnes over 25 years – equivalent to taking over 32,600 cars off the road during the same period.

Those interested need to register online at www.hants.gov.uk/solartogether by 18 October for a free and without obligation quote.

The County Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Councillor Zoe Huggins, said: “This scheme offers Hampshire homeowners a hassle-free way to make the switch to clean energy, ensures installation is cost effective and gives residents confidence in their decision. Registering your interest allows you to take advantage of the benefits of the scheme without committing to any agreement or purchase. However, as well as the chance to save money, householders who make the step change to solar power will also be helping to tackle climate change by reducing their carbon emissions.”

Participants who register will receive a complimentary quote that demonstrates their potential savings on energy bills through solar panel installation. They can also learn about the opportunity to earn extra income by selling excess energy to the National Grid. Additionally, participants have the flexibility to choose to include battery storage or electric vehicle charge points at the time of registration or when they accept their offer. 

Councillor Zoe Huggins continues: “For Hampshire to reach its 2050 net zero targets, we each must take positive actions, and reducing residential carbon emissions can make a big contribution. I’d encourage anyone thinking about making the change to renewable solar energy, to register their interest in the Hampshire Solar Together scheme before the 18 October deadline. Not only will they reduce their energy costs, they’ll also be doing their bit to reduce Hampshire’s carbon footprint.”

How it works 

  • Homeowners register online by 18 October for free and without obligation – the more people who register, the better the deal can be for each household.
  • Pre-vetted solar installers participate in a reverse auction offering their most competitive price.
  • From 8 October, registered householders will begin to receive their personal recommendations.
  • Once a recommendation is accepted, the winning installer will arrange to carry out a roof survey and set an installation date.
  • All installations should be completed within six months of the quote being accepted.

To participate in the Solar Together scheme, residents need to own the property or have permission from the property owner to install a solar system on the roof. Small- and medium-sized businesses and Commonhold Associations that meet these requirements can also participate.