Setting a course for economic success in Hampshire

Creating jobs that will bring employment security for Hampshire residents, serving the future needs of businesses across the county, and tackling financial and social inequality are among the priority outcomes to be driven by a strategy for economic prosperity in Hampshire

Nov 18 2024

Backed by the Hampshire Prosperity Partnership Board (a group of representatives from local government, education, and business), an update to the Economic Strategy for Hampshire for 2025-27 has been agreed by Hampshire County Council’s Cabinet (15 November) to align it with the latest national policy so that an Economy and Growth Plan for Hampshire can be developed.

County Council Leader and Chair of the Prosperity Partnership Board, Councillor Nick Adams-King, commented: “The emphasis is not just on increasing success and profitability for business. We aim to ensure that economic growth is inclusive so that everyone benefits – making sure there are good jobs, and the right training is in place so that people have the skills they need for the future. We want people and places across Hampshire to benefit and to narrow the gap between the least and most deprived communities across the county.

“This strategy sets out how we will work collaboratively to achieve these aims – growing our local economy by putting in place the building blocks for business to thrive and be successful for the long-term. This includes collectively securing national and international investment for Hampshire to stimulate growth.
“In our area, we have all the right factors for a successful, booming economy including: a unique blend of dynamic business sectors; innovation; a highly skilled workforce; and excellent transport links by air, rail, road and sea.
“We are committed to working in partnership with businesses, training providers and the education sector to ensure we are effectively developing the skills our workforce needs today and into the future. This includes supporting lifelong learning so that people are equipped with the skills they’ll need to secure employment right through to retirement.” 
With the strategy update now approved, the Hampshire Prosperity Partnership will develop a Hampshire Economy and Growth Plan, setting out the actions that will drive forward Hampshire’s economy. 
The Economic Strategy for Hampshire 2025-27 is in line with the Government’s ambition for a stronger economy and builds on the transfer of the former Local Enterprise Partnership functions to Hampshire County Council (effective 1 April 2024). It complements and will be applied alongside other key strategies and plans, including Hampshire’s Local Transport Plan, Public Health Strategy and Climate Change Framework. 

Councillor Adams-King added: “Hampshire will be a key component and driver of economic growth more widely across the UK over the coming years. With our universities, skills base and world class leaders in green technology, defence, aerospace and maritime industries, we are exceptionally well placed to attract investment, create jobs and lead the way in the UK’s economic recovery.”
The updated Strategy can be found on the Hampshire Prosperity Partnership Board webpages