Have your say on local cycling and walking plans for Winchester city area

Anyone living, working, visiting and commuting to Winchester is being invited to give their views on new walking and cycling proposals for the city

Jan 14 2025

Hampshire County Council and Winchester City Council opened a consultation, from 13 January 2025, to gather views on the city focused phase of the draft Winchester Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, (LCWIP).  

People have until midnight on 9 March 2025 to comment on the proposals for a network of cycle routes across the city and a walking zone in the centre.  

Having your say
Feedback on the Winchester City Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan can be provided via the consultation webpage

Councillor Nick Adams-King, Leader of Hampshire County Council, said: “Your feedback is very important to us, and this is your chance to inform the final Plan – the aim of which is to help make it easier and safer for people to walk and cycle in the city. A final, agreed Plan will also enable us to make the case for funding from potential funders to be able to bring the ambitions of the Plan to life.
“With 37% or more of all carbon generated by the way we travel, it’s important that we all work towards enabling greener ways to get around so that we can go beyond the national ambition for 50% or more of all short journeys, to be walked or cycled.” 

Councillor Kelsie Learney, Winchester City Council Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, said: “Walking and cycling are cheap and healthy ways to make everyday trips to work, to the shops and to school but many of our residents tell us that they find these journeys unsafe or unpleasant. The Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan will provide the framework for the investment needed throughout the Winchester city area to encourage leaving the car at home. A lot of work has been undertaken to develop the draft plan, but only local people can tell us if we have the routes right and we really want to see what they have to say.”

The LCWIP for Winchester city links to the Winchester Movement Strategy and follows a plan for the development of a wider district walking and cycling network. The aim is to create a network which covers both rural and urban Winchester.

A separate wider district LCWIP was consulted on in May 2024 and formally approved in December 2024. More information can be found on the County Council’s website: https://documents.hants.gov.uk/transport/winchester-district-lcwip-2024-Final.pdf 

LCWIPs will be key to the delivery of the County Council’s Local Transport Plan - that aims to influence and shape the way people travel over the next ten years, and boost economic prosperity, reduce carbon and air pollution, help promote healthy lifestyles and build stronger communities.

Enabling people to be able to walk and cycle more for local journeys also supports the aspirations of the Hampshire 2050 Partnership’s ‘Year of Health and Wellbeing’  which is focused on three priorities: Physical Activity, Mental Wellbeing and Childhood Obesity.