On Wednesday, 12 February, Hampshire County Council’s Cabinet Lead Member for Children’s Services, Councillor Roz Chadd, will consider whether to approve formal consultations on the proposed mergers of Orchard Lea Infant and Junior Schools in Fareham, and Pennington Church of England Infant and Junior Schools in Lymington.
It comes as both Orchard Lea schools have been identified for potential investment as part of the Government’s School Rebuilding Programme, which carries out major rebuilding and refurbishment projects at schools. Currently, the infant and junior schools belong to the same federation and share the same headteacher and governing body but operate out of two separate buildings. Should the Government funding be agreed, the preferred option for both Hampshire County Council and the schools’ governing body would be to create a single primary school based in one building, ensuring fewer running costs and therefore providing greater financial sustainability in the long term. If approved, the new school would accommodate a projected demand of 60 pupils in each year group (Reception to Year 6) and would open in July 2028.
The proposal to merge Pennington Church of England Infant and Junior Schools has arisen following a decline in pupil numbers. As school funding is directly linked to the number of pupils, this has resulted in significant budget pressures at both schools with associated impacts on their long-term stability. Merging the two schools would ensure a more resilient financial position, staffing structure and settled pupil numbers. If agreed, this would be achieved by closing the infant school and extending the age range of the junior school to become a primary with 30 children in each year group (Reception to Year 6), with effect from 1 January 2026.
Both proposals would remove the current requirement for pupils to move from Year 2 in an infant school to year 3 in a new junior school, providing greater stability and continuity for children as they transition between these year groups.
The proposal to formally consult is supported by all schools’ governing bodies and follows two informal public consultations which took place last year, gathering initial feedback on the proposed amalgamations.
Should the two formal consultations be agreed, public notices would be published on the County Council’s website on Friday, 21 February allowing parents, the local community and others with an interest in the schools to give their views on the proposals. The County Council would write directly to parents and school staff to confirm details of the consultation.
Full details of the recommendations to formally consult on the proposals for the Orchard Lea and Pennington schools can be found on the County Council’s website.