Work set to start soon on walking and cycling improvements at Romsey Road junction with Clifton Terrace, Winchester

A package of measures to make it easier and safer for people to walk and cycle at a busy Winchester junction will be installed from early February. This includes a new traffic signal-controlled ‘puffin’ pedestrian crossing on the Romsey Road junction with Clifton Terrace

Jan 25 2024

The work will start from Monday 5 February and last for up to six weeks. The scheme will be in place for an initial trial period of up to 18 months.

Councillor Nick Adams-King, the County Council’s Cabinet Lead for Universal Services, said: “This stretch of Romsey Road is extremely busy, especially at peak times, and is also a popular place to cross the road due to the proximity of the city centre, hospital, university, schools, and Peter Symonds College. The location was identified as a place where local people would like to see improvements that will make journeys safer, whilst also encouraging more walking and cycling. These new improvements have been specifically designed to deliver this aim. We will be closely examining the impact of the changes over the trial period before making any decision on a permanent scheme.” 

“Some temporary road closures will be required during the six-week construction period, so we are asking people to leave a bit more time if they need to travel in this area and plan their journeys accordingly.”

Some elements of the work will be weather dependent and may need to be re-arranged at short notice.

Hampshire County Council has appointed Rocon Contractor Ltd to carry out the improvement works, which include:

The installation of a ‘puffin’ pedestrian crossing;
A new ‘contraflow’ cycle lane (going against the flow of traffic) along Clifton Terrace;
Clifton Terrace will be made “No Entry” from Romsey Road, and traffic (except for bicycles) will be only permitted to turn right when exiting from Clifton Terrace;
Traffic – except bicycles - will be unable to enter Clifton Hill from the Clifton Terrace junction;
Traffic travelling from Clifton Hill will need to turn right into Clifton Terrace (except for bicycles);
A section of on-street parking will be relocated from the southern section of Clifton Terrace to the northern section of Clifton Terrace, near Allison Way.

Over the period of construction, the following traffic management arrangements will be in place:

Clifton Terrace 

There will be a 24-hour, seven-day closure of Clifton Terrace from Romsey Road to the junction of Clifton Hill for the duration of the works. Vehicle access for residents will be maintained from Clifton Hill (junction at Clifton Terrace) to Alison Way.

Works will take place Monday to Friday, and some weekend working will be required. The daytime working hours will be between 7:30am to 4:30pm and if necessary, evening shift work will take place until 11pm although every effort will be made to minimise disturbance to local residents if this need arises. 

Romsey Road 
Overnight working will take place for approximately three weeks from 7 February, which will include traffic lights and lane closures on Romsey Road. Permitted working hours are from 8pm to 6am. The traffic signals will be removed each day from 6am and re-instated each day from 8pm. Again, every effort will be made to minimise disturbance to local residents.

Further information about the scheme together with any updates about the planned timescales or traffic management arrangements are available at the County Council webpages: