Helping Hampshire children get active and healthy

To help tackle childhood obesity and support children in Hampshire to get active and stay healthy, the County Council is expanding its health and wellbeing programmes for children and families, working closely with district and boroughs, as well as local community organisations

Jan 23 2025

In Hampshire, almost one-third (32%) of Year 6 students and one-fifth (21%) of Reception-aged children are overweight or very overweight. We also know that 30% of children aged five to 19 in the county do less than 30 minutes of physical activity daily, with those from disadvantaged backgrounds facing further barriers to accessing activity. 

Councillor Russell Oppenheimer, the County Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “Getting kids into good habits early on can make a big difference. Helping children maintain a healthy weight and creating opportunities for families to enjoy healthy eating and regular physical activity is essential for long-term health. That’s why we are expanding our initiatives to reduce ill-health and improve the wellbeing of Hampshire’s children. This is part of the Hampshire 2050 Partnership’s ‘Year of Health and Wellbeing,’ where partners are working to tackle physical inactivity, obesity, and poor mental health, aiming to make Hampshire healthier by 2050.” 

The County Council is supporting various projects across Hampshire to promote healthy weight in childhood: 

  • Hampshire Healthy Steps: Children’s charity Barnardo’s has launched a new programme, funded by the County Council, to help families stay healthy. It’s a flexible, community-based programme for families with children aged 2 to 12 years, enabling them to get more active, sleep better, eat healthily, and connect with their local area. 
  • The Fighting Chance: A grant has been awarded to Turnstyle for their boxing programme in Rushmoor, which aims to increase physical activity and improve mental health in young people. 
  • Active Play Membership: Horizon Leisure Centre is offering 12 months of free Active Play Membership for children up to five years old from low-income families in Havant, giving them access to soft play and swimming. 
  • Balance Glide and Ride: Funding has been granted for children’s cycle training in Rushmoor, aimed at Reception and Year 1 children, especially those from areas experiencing disadvantage. 
  • Four physical activity grants of £20,000 each are being awarded to activities in: 
  • Winchester: Bus bike. 
  • Eastleigh: A walking and cycling festival with guided walks. 
  • Rushmoor: Family cycle training and guided rides to show local routes. 
  • East Hants: Community engagement and gamification elements added to the Horndean Green Trail project, which aims to improve access between Horndean and surrounding areas. 

Additionally, the County Council has worked with Healthwatch Hampshire to find out what families need to help them eat healthily, be active, and understand day-to-day barriers. Based on this, two new initiatives are being introduced: 

  • Food Labs: Developing resources, training, and sessions for community organisations to help families try new foods and to help those on a budget increase the variety of their diets. 
  • Making physical activity more inclusive: In partnership with Hampshire Outdoors, supporting PE leads in schools and after-school clubs to ensure all children can access physical activity opportunities and move more. 

Parents and carers worried about their child’s weight can get help and guidance from the County Council commissioned health visiting team or school nursing team. Details can be found on the Hampshire Healthy Families website.