Hampshire County Council is starting work on Monday 29 July to create better walking and cycling facilities.
Councillor Lulu Bowerman, the County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Waste, said: “This package of upgrades will complement the wider regeneration plans for the town, providing improved connections to the town centre and the Wellesley development. The aim is to make travel to the station on foot, by bike or public transport easier and more appealing. While greener travel can help people to save money and benefit them physically and mentally, it also helps to cut carbon emissions, improving air quality in the town.
“We are making every effort to keep disruption to a minimum during construction and thank everyone in advance for their patience during the construction period.”
The improvements will include:
• Upgrades to pedestrian areas and landscaping around the station forecourt and between the railway station, the town centre and the Wellesley development. More space will be provided for walkers and cyclists, with changes to the location of taxi ranks and parking spaces to make best use of the space available.
• A high-quality cycle route will be created between Aldershot station and the southern end of Gun Hill, to provide access the Wellesley development.
• Resurfacing sections of Windsor Way, Arthur Street, Victoria Road and High Street.
Working hours are between 8am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday and between 8am and 4pm on Saturday. Some night works will be required toward the end of the construction period for road resurfacing.
The project is due to be completed at the end of the year.
For more information visit the scheme web pages: https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/transportschemes/aldershotstation