Revisions to cycling and walking improvement plan for Aldershot Station approved

An investment of £2.052 million, up from £1.775 million, has been agreed to create better walking and cycling facilities, and improved public spaces, between Aldershot Station, the town centre and local residential areas

Nov 28 2023

This scheme is expected to support wider regeneration plans for the town.

Changes to plans to improve access to the station for walkers and cyclists have been approved by Hampshire County Council. This follows a review of the original proposal for the project in light of increased financial pressures arising from inflation, which is significantly affecting the wider UK construction industry. 

Councillor Nick Adams-King, Hampshire County Council’s Executive Lead Member for Universal Services, said: “I’m pleased to agree this package of improvements in the centre of Aldershot, focused on making access to the rail station better for walkers and cyclists and providing greener travel options for journeys between the railway station, the town centre and surrounding areas of residential development.  

“With the financial realities facing us, it makes sense that the scope of the scheme has been reviewed to develop a plan we can realistically deliver, within the resources we have available. I’m pleased that a scheme can now go ahead, which delivers on the County Council’s transport priorities to provide high quality improvements for walkers and cyclists, and which can enhance the local area.”

Improvements include:
A high-quality cycle route between the railway station and the Wellesley development. 
A new parallel crossing on the A323 High Street to give pedestrians and cycle users an improved crossing point and priority over motor traffic when crossing this road which has a high volume of traffic.
Pedestrian improvements on Arthur Street, Victoria Road and Windsor Way.
Improvements to the public space in and around the railway station including enhancements to pedestrian areas and landscaping around the station forecourt. Work will also be completed within the station forecourt to address existing accessibility and maintenance issues. 

Work is expected to start in May 2024 and take up to six months to complete.

The modified plans were agreed by Cllr Adams-King at his decision day on 27 November.

For more information visit the scheme web pages: