Patrick Blogg

Patrick Blogg

Patrick Blogg

Director of Universal Services

The Director of Universal Services is responsible for leading the delivery and development of Hampshire County Council’s services which are accessible to all residents of Hampshire, as well as those which directly support the delivery of these, and our broader public facing services (Adults’ Health and Care and Children’s Services).


  • Working with partners and maintaining Hampshire’s highways to keep Hampshire moving.
  • Hampshire Engineering Services, providing highway and structural design, structures asset management and land surveys.
  • Transport programme and major scheme delivery.
  • Hampshire’s waste strategy and promoting, campaigning and engagement with recycling and waste services.
  • Delivery of the Council's statutory Environmental Services functions and traded services.
  • Protection and enhancement of the natural and historic environment of Hampshire including Country Parks, Countryside Services, Rights of Way, Sir Harold Hillier Gardens.
  • Recreation, Information and Business Services including Trading Standards, Coroners Services, Registration Services, River Hamble Harbour Authority, and Archives/Corporate Records Management.
  • Creating, managing and enhancing Hampshire’s assets.