Consultation on the future of Hatherden Church of England Primary School

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Hampshire County Council wishes to consult on the future of Hatherden Church Of England Primary School

Hatherden Primary School is a small rural Church of England (Aided) school. It’s performance, as rated by Ofsted, has been inconsistent. Over the past seven years it has been judged to be failing in two Ofsted judgements, the most recent in July 2019.

The school has received further monitoring visits in February 2020, November 2020, January 2021 and May 2021. Following these inspections the school remains in a category of concern, despite improvements that have been noted. These improvements rely heavily upon external support.

As the school is currently judged as Inadequate, the Department for Education (DfE) has served an academy order on the school. The DfE has been trying to secure an academy sponsor but have been unsuccessful owing to the low number of pupils and the consequent long term financial and educational sustainability of the school.

A decision has been taken by the Executive Member for Children’s Services to undertake a period of public consultation on the future of the school. This will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to comment on a broad range of options and bring forward alternate proposals should they wish. Read the report.


  1. To leave the school open, meaning the status quo remains
  2. To seek an academy/free school sponsor for Hatherden Primary School
  3. To close Hatherden Primary School

As part of this consultation period a public meeting has been arranged which will allow stakeholders to share their thoughts and comments directly with council officers.

  • Wednesday 24 November 2021 between 6pm and 7.30pm, at Hatherden Primary School

‘With the continuing spread of COVID-19 infections, relevant national guidance and advice from Public Health colleagues regarding actions organisers and attendees can take to reduce the risk of infection will be considered prior to these meetings taking place.  Please do check the website where any necessary amendments will be published.’

Further information

Frequently Asked Questions 

Your views

If you would like to comment on these proposals prior to the opportunities outlined above, please write to Richard Vaughan, Deputy Head of Strategic Development, Elizabeth II Court, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 8UG or by email to: [email protected] by Friday 17 December 2021. You will of course have further opportunity to comment on these proposals as part of the formal planning process.

The Council welcomes all comments and any additional viable proposals via the survey link: Consultation Survey

Thank you for taking the time to give us your comments.

Your response will be considered along with other responses to the consultation.

The data you provide as part of your consultation response will be treated in accordance with UK Data Protection Legislation, and may be used as part of aggregated information published in a decision report. Any personal data provided will be removed before any publication. Your data will be retained in line with the County Council’s retention strategy. The legal basis for our use of this information is the compliance with our ‘public task’ duty. You have some legal rights in respect of the personal information we collect from you. Please see the supporting details for further information. You can contact the County Council’s Data Protection Officer at [email protected], if you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data. You should raise your concern with us in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office