Public Health Consultation 2021

Closed on

From 14 June 2021 to 9 August 2021 Hampshire County Council conducted an open consultation, seeking the views of residents and stakeholders, on proposed changes to some Public Health services.

The consultation sought to understand views on proposals that could enable Hampshire’s Public Health Service to re-focus its ring-fenced budget and deliver savings in the following four service areas

  • Substance misuse treatment;
  • Stop smoking (known as Smokefree Hampshire);
  • Sexual health;
  • 0-19 Public Health nursing, which includes health visiting and school nursing.

It also sought to understand the potential impacts of the proposed options and invited other suggestions on how savings could be made, to help inform a final approach.

The responses to the consultation have been analysed, and the findings have been presented to the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee.

Read the findings report

2021 Public Health Service Consultation Data Tables

Key Documents