Consultation on the Future Education Offer in Whiteley and Fareham
Closed on
Decided on
The purpose of this consultation was to seek the views of stakeholders in the community on the proposed options to meet the future need for secondary school provision in Whiteley and for managing the impact on existing local schools.

Context for consultation
This consultation ran from Thursday 28 March 2024 until 11:59pm Friday 31 May 2024.
Hampshire County Council will be building a new 900 place secondary school to serve the new housing development at Whiteley. The new secondary school is planned to open in September 2027 for ages 11 to 16 years, admitting up to 180 students per year group.
The building of a new secondary school at North Whiteley will have an impact on existing secondary schools in two neighbouring school place planning areas:
- Fareham North and West (The Henry Cort Community College and Brookfield School)
- Fareham Central and East (Cams Hill School, Fareham Academy, Crofton School and Portchester Community School)
About the proposals
The County Council consulted on three different options to meet the need for sufficient local secondary school places across Fareham and Whiteley. The options under consideration are:
Option 1: Build North Whiteley Secondary as a new 900 place Academy and The Henry Cort Community College remains operational.
Option 2: Build North Whiteley Secondary as a new 900 place Academy and The Henry Cort Community College closes.
Option 3: Relocate The Henry Cort Community College to the North Whiteley secondary site in new 900 place accommodation.
We would encourage you to read the Information Pack before sharing your views. This information is also available in Easy Read format.
How your views will be used
It is important to the County Council that the views of stakeholders in the community, such as schools, parents, carers, children and young people together with local residents who may be affected, are heard and carefully considered.
The findings of this initial consultation were reported to the Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services on 25 October 2024, and a further statutory consultation on Option 3 will run from 8 November to 13 December 2024.