Proposal for relocating the Resourced Provision for pupils with a hearing impairment at Wallisdean Junior School to St Jude’s Catholic Primary School from September 2023

Closed on

Hampshire County Council is proposing to relocate the Resourced Provision for pupils with a hearing impairment from Wallisdean Junior School to St Jude’s Catholic Primary School. The need for this type of provision remains and at the request of the Headteacher and the Chair of Governors of Wallisdean Junior School and in consultation with the Headteacher and the Chair of Governors of St Jude’s Catholic Primary School the possibility of making internal alterations to the school building at St Jude’s Catholic Primary School to accommodate the Resourced Provision is being explored.

The Consultation

This consultation will run from Monday 16 January to Monday 13 February 2023. Officers will then take into consideration all the consultation responses received before deciding whether the proposal should continue to the formal publication stage.

Further Information

A drop-in session where you will be able to discuss the proposal with Hampshire County Council officers will take place on Thursday 26 January between 3:30pm and 6pm at St Jude's Catholic Primary School.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are unable to attend the drop-in above and wish to make a comment then please write to Sara Carey, Inclusion Commissioning Manager, Children’s Services Department, EII Court North, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8UG or email [email protected] by Monday 13 February 2023.