Berkshire Minerals and Waste Plan

Privacy Notice

The Strategic Planning Team at Hampshire County Council collects information about you on behalf of the Central & Eastern Berkshire Authorities (Bracknell Forest Council, Reading Borough Council, the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead and Wokingham Borough Council) in order to prepare minerals and waste planning policy documents.

We will collect your name, postal address and any other contact information you provide as well as details of your representation. A name and postal address must be provided for the comments to be accepted. Anonymous or confidential representations without the required personal information cannot be accepted. We will accept representations to consultations and use the information to draft planning policy documents.

The legal basis for our use of this information is compliance of a legal obligation to which the Berkshire Authorities are subject:

All representations received will be available to view publicly in accordance with the Local Government Act (1985) for the purposes of preparing planning policy documents until adoption.

Your personal information will be shared with the Central & Eastern Berkshire Authorities as well as the Secretary of State (and appointed Planning Inspector) at the point a policy document (such as the Joint Minerals & Waste Plan) is submitted to government for public examination.

Your representation will be submitted through and processed by Snap Surveys acting as a processor on behalf of Hampshire County Council.

On adoption of the policy document, all representations will be removed from the website. Electronic and paper file copies of representations will be kept by the Central & Eastern Berkshire Authorities in line with their relevant corporate retention period.

You have some legal rights in respect of the personal information we collect from you. Please see the relevant authorities’ webpages for further details:

You can contact the Data Protection Officer at each of the relevant Authorities:

If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, you should raise your concern with the relevant Berkshire Authorities in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office.