Decelerated admission for summer born children
Parents of summer born children can request to be admitted to Year R in the September after they turn five - a year later than they would usually start school
Summer born children have birthdays between 1 April and 31 August, inclusive.
- Deciding to delay your child’s admission
- Read the DfE's guidance Summer Born Children – Starting School Advice for Parents.
- Visit the school(s) you are interested in applying for to discuss any concerns about your child starting school and the options available.
- Speak to your child’s pre-school or any other professionals involved with your child.
- Request to delay your child's admission
- You should make a main round application for your child’s normal age group before the closing date
- At the same time, you can submit your request to make an application for Year R in the following September:
- for all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools in Hampshire, you will need to complete a deceleration form. Please email [email protected] to be sent the correct form
- for all other schools, you must contact the school
You must get approval from the admission authority for each school you wish to apply for. One admission authority cannot be required to honour a decision made by another.
The admission authority for each type of school is:
Type of School Admission Authority Academy Academy Trust Community School Local Authority Foundation School Governing Body Voluntary Aided School Governing Body Voluntary Controlled School Local Authority You can find the school's status on the school's detail page
You may provide evidence to support your request but it is not compulsory.
- How your request is considered
A decision will be made based on the circumstances of the case and in the best interests of the child. The view of the headteacher of the school(s) concerned must be taken into account. You will be notified in writing of the outcome of your request before the national offer date.
- What happens next
If your request is approved:
- your application for the normal age group may be withdrawn
- you will then need to make a new application as part of the main admission round for the following year
- your application will be considered alongside all other applications in accordance with the school’s published admission criteria
If your request is refused:
- you must decide whether to accept the offer of a place for the normal age group or
- refuse it and make an in-year application later in the school year for Year 1 in the following September