Waste Collection and Disposal and Recycling Services
Categorised in: Facilities, Energy and Waste
- Contract number
- Type of contract
- Contract period
- Extension option
- Order method
- Coverage
Contract scope
Commercial Waste Collection, Disposal and Recycling Services for Hampshire County Council.
SAP Contract Reference: 44CC08894
Please Note - This is a commercial contract for Hampshire County Council departments only. If you are a member of the Public, who wishes to enquire about household bins and waste collection, please contact your local District Council.Waste collection and disposal and recycling services.
Services include:
- Residual Waste
- Dry Mixed Recycling
- Food Waste
- Green Waste
- Glass
- Ferrous Metals
- Non-Ferrous Metals
- Confidential Waste
- On Site Confidential Paper Destruction
- On Site Confidential Paper Destruction
- On Site Destruction and Disposal
Please note there are separate contracts set up for Waste Collection for Hampshire Schools, Hampshire Constabulary and Hampshire Fire and Rescue.
SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd - 1207823