Bikeability and Cycle Training
Categorised in: Transport and Highways
- Contract number
- Type of contract
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- Extension option
- Order method
- Coverage
Contract scope
Bikeability level 2 and 3 cycle training for children and other cycle training based activities across the county.
Bikeability is the Cycling Proficiency Test for the 21st century, designed to give the next generation the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today's roads.
Whilst Bikeability is not part of the National Curriculum, under the Government's Travelling to school action plan, teachers are encouraged to use lessons to explain the benefits of sustainable travel, which includes cycling.
The training is delivered via schools during the school day to years 5-9 and available to all schools.
SAP Contract Reference: 44ET06949
Product Category Codes
- Motorised Vehicles - P12005
- Educational Supplies - P38000
Mountbatten School Services