By the end of 2021:
- our annual craft brochure, Festive Crafts, will be online only, saving 2,300 copies
- County Supplies Logistics service merge reducing duplicated deliveries by 20%
- 40% of contracts let by County Supplies will focus on strong sustainable KPIs for suppliers
- we will introduce a customer centric e-commerce platform, with an anticipated immediate 5% reduction in paper catalogue production
By the end of 2023:
- e-commerce platform embedded for a further 10% reduction in catalogue production
- County Supplies Logistics service merge, for a reduction of five vehicles across fleets, saving fuel, emissions and vehicle costs
- 78% of contracts let by County Supplies will focus on strong sustainable KPIs for suppliers
By the end of 2025:
- 100% of contracts let by County Supplies will support strong sustainable KPIs for all suppliers
- electric vans to replace diesel vehicles, with the aim to convert 20% of our delivery fleet by 2025
- advertising space to be sold on the e-commerce platform, for a further 10% reduction in catalogue production