Public notice

Hart District Council Planning Applications

The following applications have been received and can be viewed online at Any comments should be submitted on line or made in writing to Planning Services at the Council offices by 4th July 2024. Please note that any representations received will be open for public inspection and will not be treated in confidence











Planning Applications from Hart District Council in Hart area

* 24/01074/AMCON - Hartland Park Ively Road Fleet Hampshire   

Variation of Condition 2 attached to Planning Permission 21/02871/REM dated 29/04/2022 for the approval of reserved matters for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to outline planning permission ref 17/00471/OUT for the erection of 331 units, retail and commercial space, a community space, with associated internal access roads, car parking, open space, landscaping and drainage which requires substitutions of the approved plans to permit revisions to the approved parking strategy, the extension of an approved bicycle and bin store, and amendments to the design and siting of the stair lift core from the basement level of Block J


Notice is hereby given that the following application(s) for development to Listed Building(s) and/or development within Conservation Area(s) have been received by the Council.

24/00926/LBC - Moor Place Farm House  Plough Lane Bramshill Hook Hampshire RG27 0RF 

Works to retain modern wall and ceiling finishes in kitchen, drawing room, study, stairwell, cloakroom, lobby, utility room and master bedroom and ensuite; partial replacement of existing wall finishes with lime plaster to kitchen, drawing room and lobby;  retention of modern floor finishes to drawing room, rear hall and reception hall and bedroom 1; retention of existing first and attic floor bathrooms, ensuite and shower room; retention of staircase between first and second floors; retention of cement pointing  to utility room external walls and retention of 2 roof lights

24/00927/LBC - Moor Place Farm House  Plough Lane Bramshill Hook Hampshire RG27 0RF 

Works to building including replacement of external service pipes, new rainwater goods, new tile vents, new oak fascia to utility room window and 2 new external doors; repairs to brickwork and new boiler; internal works including alterations to bathrooms, removal of stud walls within utility room, removal of existing cabinets, and alterations to joinery in the drawing room and study

24/01021/FUL - Well Manor Well Hook RG29 1TL   

Erection of a garden shed/garden room

24/01136/LBC - 2 The Bury Odiham Hook Hampshire RG29 1ND  

Regularisation of works to roof. Reinstatement of tile hanging to dormer cheeks to front dormer. Installation of cast iron gutters and down pipes to front elevation. Refixing of lead flashing to chimney

24/00862/FUL - Yateley Hall Firgrove Road Yateley GU46 6HJ   

Retention of 1 no. outbuilding (referred to as the pergola)

24/01160/LBC - The Old Parsonage Lees Hill South Warnborough Hook Hampshire RG29 1RQ 

Removal of existing and replacement of 'lean-to' utility room

24/01013/HOU - 2 Fitzroy Road Fleet Hampshire GU51 4JH   

Erection of a detached outbuilding following demolition of existing.

24/01141/HOU - Branksome House  Branksomewood Road Fleet Hampshire GU51 4JY  

Erection of a single storey outbuilding.

24/01137/HOU - Cavalaire Vicarage Lane Yateley Hampshire GU46 7QR  

Extension and conversion of existing detached double garage into habitable accommodation and alterations to windows and doors.

24/01097/FUL - Street Record Sydney Loader Place Blackwater Camberley   

Creation of entrance gates.

24/01161/HOU - 18 Sycamore Crescent Church Crookham Fleet Hampshire GU51 5NN  

Demolition of existing porch and erection of a single storey front extension.

24/00957/LBC - Bramshill House Bramshill Park Bramshill Hook RG27 0JW  

Internal and external works to the Stable Block and Newsam and Nuffield Hall, demolition and re-build of Gardeners Cottage, demolition of the former shop and lean-to buildings

24/00975/FUL - Bramshill House Bramshill Park Bramshill Hook RG27 0JW  

Landscape works including historic garden / parkland restoration, wider ecological enhancement / management, external works to the Stable Block, Newsam and Nuffield Hall and the Conference Centre, demolition and re-build of Gardeners Cottage, demolition of the former shop and lean-to buildings addition of a new boathouse and associated engineering works including earthworks and the addition of a ground source heat pump

The proposal(s) marked * do not accord with the provisions of the Development Plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated.  [Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010 applies.]

Stephanie Baker, Planning Manager, 14th June 2024


Suzie Beckford

Email: [email protected]