Public notice

Hart District Council Planning Applications

The following applications have been received and can be viewed online at Any comments should be submitted on line or made in writing to Planning Services at the Council offices by 1st August 2024. Please note that any representations received will be open for public inspection and will not be treated in confidence











Planning Applications from Hart District Council in Hart area

24/01342/AMCON - Chosley Farm  Bidden Road North Warnborough Hook Hampshire RG29 1BW 

Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans)  attached to Planning Permission 20/03185/FUL dated 11/11/2021 to allow for the creation

of an alternate construction and emergency access for the site. List of approved plans to be updated.

24/01342/AMCON - Chosley Farm  Bidden Road North Warnborough Hook Hampshire RG29 1BW 

Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans)  attached to Planning Permission 20/03185/FUL dated 11/11/2021 to allow for the creation

of an alternate construction and emergency access for the site. List of approved plans to be updated.


 Notice is hereby given that the following application(s) for development to Listed Building(s) and/or development within Conservation Area(s) have been received by the Council.

24/01302/LBC - Moor Place Farm House  Plough Lane Bramshill Hook Hampshire RG27 0RF 

Retention of windows, repairs to a window and door frame and replacement of an external door

24/01185/LBC - Cherry Tree Cottage  The Street North Warnborough Hook Hampshire RG29 1BD 

Removal of double glazed windows on front elevation and replacement with timber flush casement windows with 4 mm single glazing, retention of door and window to rear elevation.

24/01184/HOU - Cherry Tree Cottage  The Street North Warnborough Hook Hampshire RG29 1BD 

Removal of double glazed windows on front elevation and replacement with timber flush casement windows with 4 mm single glazing, retention of door and window to rear elevation.

24/01357/LBC - Pilcot Mill  Pilcot Hill Dogmersfield Hook Hampshire RG27 8SX 

Installation of a fish and eel pass within the spillway of Pilcot Mill

24/01146/HOU - Ty Bryn  Victoria Hill Road Fleet Hampshire GU51 4LG  

Erection of a fence and replacement gate up to 2m in height  (coloured Yellow on the Site Plan) and a fence up to 2m in height to the rear of the site (coloured Green on the Site Plan).

 24/01360/HOU - Highfield  Mount Pleasant Hartley Wintney Hook Hampshire RG27 8PW 

Erection of a part single storey, part two storey rear extension, first floor side extension and front porch.

24/01326/FUL - Street Record Longwater Road Eversley Hook   

Erection of a single storey 3 bedroom dwelling

24/01351/HOU - Yoden  Reading Road North Fleet Hampshire GU51 4HR  

Erection of single and two storey front, side and rear extensions to existing dwelling including associated alterations and remodelling of the exterior, erection of a detached car port and store, erection of timber entrance gates and fences at site access.  Alterations to windows and doors.

24/01155/HOU - Ivy Cottage  Lees Hill South Warnborough Hook Hampshire RG29 1RQ 

Replacement of front and side windows and backdoor

24/01330/HOU - 2 Dinorben Avenue Fleet Hampshire GU52 7SG   

Erection of detached outbuilding following demolition of existing building

24/01378/HOU - 7 Vicarage Hill Hartley Wintney Hook Hampshire RG27 8EH  

Replacement of 6 windows and 1 door on front elevation to match existing with timber double glazing

24/01223/HOU - Sanquhar  Church Lane Dogmersfield Hook Hampshire RG27 8SZ 

Demolition of existing front porch and erection of a smaller canopy structure.  Demolition of existing single storey garage and erection of a 1.5 storey side extension and associated dormer, alterations to fenestration and glass balustrades to existing balcony.

The proposal(s) marked * do not accord with the provisions of the Development Plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated.  [Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010 applies.]

Stephanie Baker, Planning Manager, 12th July 2024


Suzie Beckford

Email: [email protected]