Public notice
Hart District Council
Planning Applications
Planning Applications from Hart District Council in area
The following applications have been received and can be viewed online at Any comments should be submitted on line or made in writing to Planning Services at the Council offices by 15th August 2024. Please note that any representations received will be open for public inspection and will not be treated in confidence.
24/01200/HOU - 4 Moulsham Copse Lane Yateley Hampshire GU46 7RG
Erection of a two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and porch following demolition of existing garage and porch, creation of a chimney, removal of a chimney, enlarged front bay window, alterations to one window to ground floor side, blocking up of one window to first floor side and insertion of a window to first floor rear
24/00467/FUL - Penn Croft Winery Croft Lane Crondall Farnham Hampshire GU10 5QD
Erection of a detached single storey building for mixed use as a cafe and cellar door facility to accommodate wine tours and sales including kitchen / store to side with covered verandah (retrospective), erection of single storey wc building (retrospective), installation of chiller (retrospective), erection of a single storey building for use for food storage and preparation, covered walkway, outdoor seating area and the proposed formation of a new access to car park for 28 vehicles on an existing agricultural field to be used in association with the cafe and cellar door facility sought within this application. (Amended Description of Development).
Notice is hereby given that the following application(s) for development to Listed Building(s) and/or development within Conservation Area(s) have been received by the Council.
24/01399/LBC - 1 Albert Cottages Colt Hill Odiham Hook RG29 1AN
Conversion of the existing garage to habitable accommodation to include the replacement of the garage door to the front with a door and a window, replacement of the door and window to the rear with bi-fold doors and the insertion of three rooflights to the side, erection of an open porch to the side, replacement of french doors to the rear and replacement garden shed
24/01188/LBC - Albion House Hook Road North Warnborough Hook Hampshire RG29 1EU
Replacement of exiting gas boiler with a combi boiler to an external wall (to the rear of the property) and to move associated flue and outlet valve.
24/01254/FUL - Yateley Hall Firgrove Road Yateley Hampshire GU46 6HJ
Replacement of existing gate / wall with new black metal gate and railings
24/01419/HOU - 1 Albert Cottages Colt Hill Odiham Hook RG29 1AN
Conversion of the existing garage to habitable accommodation to include the replacement of the garage door to the front with a door and a window, replacement of the door and window to the rear with bi-fold doors and the insertion of three rooflights to the side, erection of an open porch to the side, replacement of french doors to the rear and replacement garden shed
24/01428/FUL - Adsyst Automation Ltd Yateley Lodge Reading Road Yateley Hampshire GU46 7AA
Erection of covered cycle store
24/00613/FUL - Church Lodge Hawley Road Blackwater Camberley Hampshire GU17 9BJ
Demolition of existing garage, creation of a first floor and alterations to doors and windows to front and side of existing bungalow and erection of a 5 bedroom dwelling
24/01426/LBC - Charles Kingsley School Glaston Hill Road Eversley Hook Hampshire RG27 0LX
The works involve altering a doorway into an existing office room. Block this entrance up and match the existing internal wall and form a new opening into the office room from the corridor.
The proposal(s) marked * do not accord with the provisions of the Development Plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated. [Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010 applies.] Stephanie Baker, Planning Manager, 26th July 2024