Public notice
Hart District Council Planning Applications
The following applications have been received and can be viewed online at Any comments should be submitted on line or made in writing to Planning Services at the Council offices by 30th January 2025. Please note that any representations received will be open for public inspection and will not be treated in confidence
Planning Applications from Hart District Council in Hart area
24/02473/AMCON - Chosley Farm Bidden Road North Warnborough Hook Hampshire RG29 1BW
Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) attached to Planning Permission (ref: 20/03185/FUL) dated 11/11/2021. Construction of a Solar Photovoltaic Farm with an output capacity not to exceed 49.9MW of energy, with associated battery storage and supporting infrastructure including inverters and a transformer, fencing, CCTV installation and landscaping works
24/02473/AMCON - Chosley Farm Bidden Road North Warnborough Hook Hampshire RG29 1BW
Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) attached to Planning Permission (ref: 20/03185/FUL) dated 11/11/2021. Construction of a Solar Photovoltaic Farm with an output capacity not to exceed 49.9MW of energy, with associated battery storage and supporting infrastructure including inverters and a transformer, fencing, CCTV installation and landscaping works
24/02414/REM - Land North Of Netherhouse Copse Hitches Lane Fleet GU51 5EN
Application for approval of reserved matters in respect of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 126 dwellings and 58sqm of flexible mixed-use neighbourhood store/café/co-working space pursuant to 24/00881/AMCON (amendment to 21/02782/OUT - Outline Planning Permission)
24/02489/REM - Land Off Holt Lane Hook Hampshire
Application for approval of reserved matters in respect of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to 23/02471/OUT erection of a new veterinary practice
Notice is hereby given that the following application(s) for development to Listed Building(s) and/or development within Conservation Area(s) have been received by the Council.
24/02396/FUL - The Pheasantry Bramshill Park Bramshill Hook Hampshire RG27 0JN
Erection of a car storage barn with associated landscaping and enlargement of drainage pond
24/02480/HOU - Yew Tree Cottage The Street Eversley Hook Hampshire RG27 0RL
Erection of a timber framed rear conservatory replacing existing conservatory and replacement non-original windows to rear elevation.
24/02481/LBC - Yew Tree Cottage The Street Eversley Hook Hampshire RG27 0RL
Erection of a timber framed rear conservatory replacing existing conservatory and replacement non-original windows to rear elevation.
25/00015/HOU - Garden Cottage Up Green Eversley Hook Hampshire RG27 0PB
Replacement of roof tiles.
24/02342/FUL - Kennel Cottage Minley Manor Minley Road Blackwater Camberley GU17 9JT
Retention of temporary change of use from C3 single residential dwelling / C2A secure residential institution to sui-generis dog day care business (Retrospective)
The proposal(s) marked * do not accord with the provisions of the Development Plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated. [Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010 applies.]
Stephanie Baker, Planning Manager, 10th January 2025