Public notice
Planning Applications
New Planning Applications Registered
Planning Applications from Southampton City Council in Southampton area
Town & Country Planning Act 1990
Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the receipt of the following application(s):
Address: 14 Leaside Way Southampton SO16 3DU
Application No: 24/01524/FUL (Conservation Area)
Proposal: Erection of a single-storey rear extension and conversion of garage into habitable living space with rear extension and a dropped kerb extension.
Address: Former Adams Morey Van Centre Third Avenue Southampton
Application No: 24/01381/FUL (Departure)
Proposal: Change of use to indoor wall climbing centre (class E(d)) and external alterations (departure).
Address: Flat 38 Wyndham Court Commercial Road
Application No: 24/01398/LBC (Listed Building)
Proposal: Listed building consent sought for replacement Windows.
Address: Terminus House Terminus Terrace Southampton
Application No: 24/01523/LBC (Conservation Area and Listed Building)
Proposal: Listed Building Consent sought for the rebuilding and repair of two, four-flue chimneys, a window pediment and parapet to a flank wall.
Documents relating to these applications are available from our Public Access webpage at:
Any person who wishes to make representations to the Council in respect of these applications, should submit them through the Public Access webpage at the address above or in written form with their name and full postal address, quoting the above application number and send them to Development Management, Southampton City Council, Civic Centre, Southampton, SO14 7LY by 7 February 2025
You can request an email confirming an acknowledgement to your comments when they are submitted by Public Access, or you can see that your representation has been received by looking in the public comments section under the relevant case. However, because of the need to deal with planning applications within statutory time limits, the Council will not enter into correspondence.
Under the provisions of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1985, any written comments that you submit (including post) will be made available online via public access and for inspection and copying by the public. By submitting such comments, you are consenting to your name and address being placed in the public domain. If you have an overriding legal reason why your address should remain confidential, please contact the planning office for advice in good time prior to submitting your comments in accordance with the relevant deadline.
Pete Boustred
Director of Transport and Planning
17 January 2025