Public notice
Hart District Council Planning Applications
The following applications have been received and can be viewed online at Any comments should be submitted on line or made in writing to Planning Services at the Council offices by 6th February 2025. Please note that any representations received will be open for public inspection and will not be treated in confidence
Planning Applications from Hart District Council in Hart area
24/02491/FUL - Land On The West Side Crondall Road Crondall Farnham
Installation of a battery energy storage system (BESS) including associated infrastructure, ancillary works and access arrangements
Notice is hereby given that the following application(s) for development to Listed Building(s) and/or development within Conservation Area(s) have been received by the Council.
24/02478/FUL - Junior House Lord Wandsworth College Long Sutton Hook RG29 1SW
Planning application for external alterations to this Listed Building including:
- North elevation - Installation of black-painted metal staircase; removal of window grilles at ground level; replacement of existing window at first floor with a fire escape door;
- South elevation - replacement of existing window at first floor with a fire escape door; installation of 1 no. black-painted metal staircase and relocation of an existing metal canopy; formation of doorway at ground floor level;
- West elevation - removal of an existing metal staircase and fire escape door; installation of a black painted metal Juliette balcony; insertion of new timber framed window at ground floor;
- North elevation - removal of an existing canopy over external play area
24/02479/LBC - Junior House Lord Wandsworth College Long Sutton Hook RG29 1SW
Listed Building Consent application for internal and external alterations to this Listed Building including:
External alterations
- North elevation - Installation of black-painted metal staircase; removal of window grilles at ground level; replacement of existing window at first floor with a fire escape door;
- South elevation - replacement of existing window at first floor with a fire escape door to allow the installation of 1 no. black-painted metal staircase and relocation of an existing metal canopy; formation of doorway at ground floor level;
- West elevation - removal of an existing metal staircase and fire escape door; installation of a black painted metal Juliette balcony; insertion of new timber framed window at ground floor;
- North elevation: removal of an existing canopy over external play area
Internal alterations
- Ground floor - Installation of new doors; secondary fire glazing to windows at dining and boys prep; installation of new internal lighting and doors;
- First floor - reconfiguration of showers on girls wing; insertion of new walls on girls and boys rooms to create smaller rooms capable of accommodating up to 5 students each
25/00022/LBC - Peggeth Eversley Cross Eversley Hook RG27 0NS
Replacement of two windows
24/02378/HOU - Ringwood Pankridge Street Crondall Farnham GU10 5QZ
Erection of a single storey rear and side extension, insertion of dormer windows to front roof slope, conversion of garage and alterations to windows and doors.
The proposal(s) marked * do not accord with the provisions of the Development Plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated. [Article 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010 applies.]
Stephanie Baker, Planning Manager, 17th January 2025