Local Authority Resolution - Sustainable Communities Act

That Hampshire County Council

(i) expresses its concern at the decline of local services and facilities, local economies and local communities;

(ii) notes that this combination of factors increases people's feelings of exclusion and lack of involvement; and

(iii) further notes that local authorities and their communities know best on the solutions to local problems and so should determine how to promote thriving communities; and so

(iv) supports the bottom up process in the Sustainable Communities Act designed to allow local authorities and their communities to drive the help that central government gives in reversing community decline and promoting thriving, sustainable communities;

(v) notes that the Act became law in October 2007 with full cross party support and that this was a result of 5 year campaign run by a coalition of over 90 national citizens organisations called Local Works;

(vi) notes that the Act gives local authorities the power to

(vii) notes that the Act defines the sustainability of local communities broadly, that definition having the 4 aspects of

(viii) notes that the Local Works campaign give a number of reasons for why a local authority should choose to use the Act, those reasons being

(ix) resolves, when invited to by central government in 2008, to use the Act by preparing and submitting proposals on how central government can help; and

(x) further resolves to