1 Find Your Talent is a national pathfinder programme jointly sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Children, Schools and Families. A joint submission was made by a partnership comprising Hampshire County Council, Portsmouth City Council and Southampton City Council. The joint bid was accepted and the partnership was invited to submit a delivery plan with an indicative budget of just over £2m for a three year programme which aims to deliver a wide range of cultural activities and opportunities for young people. Hampshire County Council has taken the lead in coordinating this initiative and making arrangements for the project to be delivered.

2 The rationale of Find Your Talent, known under the title "PUSH4 Culture" is that participation in cultural activities enriches young people's lives and makes a positive impact on their development. In addition to being valuable and enjoyable in their own right, cultural activities give young people the chance to develop important life skills such as creativity, confidence, self discipline, communication and the ability to work in teams. It therefore helps to achieve outcomes under Every Child Matters. The pilot project aims to formulate a comprehensive cultural offer to enable young people throughout the partnership area to have the chance to participate in at least 5 hours of high quality culture a week in and out of school. This will include:-

3 The cultural experiences on offer are aimed to be of excellent quality and diverse, and are intended to appeal to young people up to the age of 19. The opportunities will include activities provided by and through schools, local authorities and leading professionals and organisations from the cultural and creative sectors.

4 The motivation is to create a pilot project which will encourage young people to continue their involvement in cultural activities beyond the school gates, in particular

5 The Executive Member has welcomed the enhanced opportunities which this project and its funding, under the management of a partnership steering group coordinated by the County Council, will provide for the large numbers of young people who it is hoped will participate fully. It therefore supports the corporate priority of maximising well-being and should be welcomed and supported by all the local authorities and schools within the partnership area.

6 This report arises from consideration of the report by the Executive Member on 11 September, 2008, which is on Hantsweb at:


1 The Executive Member has approved the detailed strategic direction proposed to be taken to ensure the future of the Adult and Family Learning Service in Hampshire, and to that end has approved a three-year development plan in order to secure Learning and Skills Council funding. The aim is to build a strategy which will achieve a vibrant adult learning service across Hampshire, to coordinate the range of activities currently available, to achieve a step change in the volume and variety of adult learning activities available to Hampshire residents and to extend learning opportunities for adults and families based at a variety of venues within local communities.

2 There have been significant changes in organisation and funding in the field of adult and community learning over the years, and the service now fits most comfortably within Recreation and Heritage given the wealth of opportunities already offered in local communities, museums, heritage sites, sports and countryside activities. The way forward, as agreed by the Executive Member, is:

3 The Executive Member is confident that these developments will further enhance the wide range of opportunities available to adult and family learners in Hampshire, and will therefore support all three corporate priorities. A copy of the full report and development plan have been placed in the Members' rooms.

4 This report arises from consideration of the report by the Executive Member on 11 September, 2008, which is on Hantsweb at:

Margaret Snaith

Executive Member for Recreation,

Heritage and Communities
