Appendix 1



Code: GREEN - Activity fully met





Develop policies to deliver an integrated transport system for South Hampshire to support the South East Plan to 2026


Covered in part by Towards Delivery statement and Transport chapter of the MAA, for future consolidation in LTP3.


Progress three detailed technical studies examining access to and through South Hampshire


Studies completed into access the sub-region; to Portsmouth; and to Southampton by May 2008.


Review, develop and appraise schemes and interventions to go forward to Regional Transport Board


Schemes developed to concept stage (see Towards Delivery statement, April 2008) and submitted to Regional Transport Board July 2008.


Further technical studies into schemes and delivery (Post-RFA Refresh)


Studies have commenced into Tipner and Eastern Access to Southampton schemes.


Investigate a sub-regional modelling capability


Extensive discussions, investigating options for a sub-regional model.


Commence building the sub-regional model, assuming investigation is positive


TfSH Joint Committee 29 April 2009 approved the procurement of a sub-regional model.


Investigate transport and access options for the Strategic Development Areas


A number of consultants reports have investigated access options for the Strategic Development Areas.


Develop transport access arrangements for Strategic Development Areas and key employment zones


Access arrangements have been developed in outline, subject to further refinement and modelling.


Develop a Freight Strategy, supporting sustainable growth for South Hampshire


Freight Strategy for South Hampshire developed and reported to TfSH Joint Committee on 28 January 2009


Respond as a body, TfSH, to consultation in a co-ordinated manner


TfSH has responded to consultation on the Ports Policy (July 2008), the Modifications to the South East Plan (October 2008) and Delivering A Sustainable Transport System (January 2009).


Set up monitoring regime, using KPIs, to plot the success of the delivery agency


The establishment of key indicators to reflect the performance of TfSH have yet to be determined.


Establish South Hampshire Strategy Working Group to provide direction, sharing outcomes and progress


Strategy Working Group has met regularly, involving key stakeholders (DfT, GOSE, HA, NR, SHBOA) in developing the transport strategy through technical studies and co-ordinating the implementation of strategy outputs.


Develop proposals to deliver improved public transport services across South Hampshire


Worked closely with transport operators, notably through the newly formed South Hampshire Bus Operators Association to plan transport improvements.


Review opportunities for procurement of high quality bus services within the sub-region, taking advantage of the provisions of the emerging Local Transport Bill


Progressed possible bus procurement arrangements through the MAA review in the light of an Integrated Transport Authority being inappropriate for South Hampshire.


Deliver expanded Solent Travelcard, incorporating other modes of Transport


Agreement has not proved possible to deliver an expanded Solent Travelcard onto rail or ferry in advance of smartcard technology being in place across the sub-region.


Public Transport Groups to provide a forum for discussion and direction:


Solent Rail Group

Ferry and Shoreside Infrastructure

Integration Improvements


The establishment of SHBOA has been welcome for bus. The other mode groups met in the early days, but more recently, public transport issues have been addressed by the strategy group or on an ad hoc basis.


Deliver integrated management of traffic and travel information, incidents and congestion and co-ordination of the Network Management duty for South Hampshire


Progress in this complex area has been limited.


Facilitate meetings of TfSH Joint Committee

TfSH Senior Management Board

Main stakeholder dialogue and involvement:

    · General meetings

    · Individual contacts




Joint Committee has functioned effectively at quarterly intervals

Senior Management Board meets regularly to direct the work of the partnership at officer level


Develop future funding strategy to enable delivery of TfSH objectives

Investigate funding sources and develop bids, including:

    · New Growth Point Fund

    · Community Infrastructure Fund

    · Transport Innovation Fund

    · Others

Assess scope for funding from development

Assess scope for funding from major business partners and public transport operators





Limited progress to date, but now intended to be key part of the PUSH External Funding Panel.

Funding successfully secured through Community Infrastructure Fund (£20m for Bus Rapid Transit Phase 1) and New Growth Point Fund (through PUSH).

Initial discussions held with LPAs and linked to LDF development.

Been premature to develop to date.


Raise awareness and profile of TfSH, with industry and wider community by means of:

    · Commissioning suitable image/logo,

    · Producing Information Leaflet

    · Developing interactive website

    · Articles in professional press

    · Local media coverage

Prepare and implement a marketing and communications strategy, with a Customer Relationship Management Strategy to maintain dialogue and involvement with key stakeholders



TfSH logo and website developed and prospectus leaflet circulated. Awareness levels still need enhancing.

Little progress to date.