Item 7

Report to the

Date: 30 June 2009

Report by: Jon Pittam, County Treasurer

tel: 01962 846931 email: [email protected]

Subject: Final Accounts 2008/09;
Draft Statement of Accounts 2008/09

1. Summary

1.1 The following decisions are sought:

2. Reason

2.1 The report summaries the spending of the Joint Committee for the last financial year.

2.2 The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 require the Statement of Accounts for specified bodies, including Joint Committees, to be approved by the 30 June following the year end, by those charged with governance. For Transport for South Hampshire this is the Joint Committee itself.

3. Other Options Considered and Rejected

3.1 Taking no action.

4. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Decision Maker or Other Executive Member Consulted - None.

5. Dispensation granted by the Standards Committee - None.

6. Reason(s) for the Matter being dealt with if Urgent - None.

Approved by: ................................. Date: .................................

Councillor M J Kendal - Chairman

Executive Member for Environment

Hampshire County Council
