Item 8
Report to the
Transport for South Hampshire Joint Committee
Date: 30 June 2009
Report by: Geoff Hobbs, Senior Transport Planner,
Hampshire County Council
tel: 01962 857440 email: [email protected]
Subject: Vision for Future of Rail in Urban South Hampshire
1. Summary
1.1 The following decisions are sought:
(i) that the officer submission to the Route Utilisation Strategy, attached as an Appendix to this report, be adopted by the Joint Committee as the Transport for South Hampshire vision for the future of rail in South Hampshire;
(ii) that this vision paper be developed into a Rail Strategy for South Hampshire, to form part of the emerging Local Transport Plan 3;
(iii) that officers make a robust case for investment in priority rail infrastructure projects within the sub-region in partnership with Network Rail and Government stakeholders, in order to seek funding for their delivery.
2. Reason
2.1 This report introduces a paper identifying priorities for rail infrastructure investment within the sub-region over the next 30 years. The paper seeks to inform a stakeholder consultation by Network Rail, who are developing a London and South East Route Utilisation Strategy (RUS). The RUS will set out priorities for investment in new rail capacity over the next 30 years.
2.2 Therefore, the submission seeks to set out a vision for rail in Urban South Hampshire, including the priorities for investment in rail infrastructure. The paper highlights the positive role rail can play in supporting planned growth within the sub-region, and suggests 11 priority interventions that would make rail more attractive for local journeys and address current and future capacity constraints.
3. Other Options Considered and Rejected
3.1 Taking no action, which would limit the ability of Transport for South Hampshire (TfSH) to influence Government and rail industry investment planning processes and potentially reduce input from partners in future discussions about rail issues.
4. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Decision Maker or Other Executive Member Consulted - None.
5. Dispensation granted by the Standards Committee - None.
6. Reason(s) for the Matter being dealt with if Urgent - None.
Approved by: ................................. Date: .................................
Councillor M J Kendal - Chairman
Executive Member for Environment
Hampshire County Council