Item 9

Report to the

Date: 30 June 2009

Report by: John Slater, Head of Planning Services,
Portsmouth City Council

tel: 023 92 834297 email: [email protected]

Subject: Local Transport Plan 3 - Options for Transport for South Hampshire

1. Summary

1.1 This report summarises the draft guidance for the production of the next Local Transport Plan (LTP) and suggests possible ways forward to prepare a common LTP strategy for the Transport for South Hampshire (TfSH) area.

1.2 The following decisions are sought:

2. Reason

2.1 The Government has produced draft guidance. It is felt that the flexibility to pursue a sub regional approach would be most appropriate for the South Hampshire area but it is recognised that this will have implications for individual constituent authorities. Due to the limited timescales available for developing the next round of Local Transport Plans it is necessary for the individual authorities to take and early view as to the most appropriate way of achieving the benefits of a strategic approach yet at the same time protecting individual authority's position, rather than await the final guidance.

3. Other Options Considered and Rejected

3.1 The option of not producing an LTP either collectively or individually would mean that there would be a breach of the Local Transport Act and affect Comprehensive Area Assessment performance.

4. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Decision Maker or Other Executive Member Consulted - None.

5. Dispensation granted by the Standards Committee - None.

6. Reason(s) for the Matter being dealt with if Urgent - None.

Approved by: ................................. Date: .................................

Councillor M J Kendal - Chairman

Executive Member for Environment

Hampshire County Council
