HC3S Training Team becomes accredited to write its own courses

Feb 6 2024

HC3S has been given the go-ahead to write its own courses to equip staff with the knowledge and skills needed to manage food safety.

Staff will continue to be trained in health and safety, allergen management and food safety but will now be able to have it tailored specifically to HC3S procedures and policies. They will still take exams which will be externally accredited by Highfield Training.

Courses provide an opportunity to interact with and learn from very successful, highly qualified and experienced professionals.

It’s testament to the quality of the training and skill level of the trainers that HC3S can write its own courses as there are high expectations placed on staff to ensure children and adults are fed safely as a priority. Staff undertake refresher training every three years with up to four courses each, so the training team trains up to 500+ staff annually.