Accreditation programme for individual clerks

I'm learning and growing so much which will ultimately make me more knowledgeable and consequently more confident and enable me to be more effective as a clerk
Clerk, Isle of Wight

The next briefing will be on Wednesday 6 November 2024 at 7pm via Teams. To book a place email [email protected]

No matter where you live, you can become accredited.


The importance of professional clerking has never been greater. Schools have been given increased freedoms and greater accountability and the government has recognised that the contribution professional clerking can make to effective governance of schools is very significant.

Being accredited means you can be confident that you are fulfilling the requirements of an effective practitioner. The Accreditation Programme is an evidenced based assessment against national standards and therefore provides your governing body with evidence of your professional skill and competence  as an effective professional practitioner. The programme is also developmental and fits well with other in-house training and briefing programmes.

Programme outline

The standards are built around the key elements of the clerk’s role including:

  • administration practice
  • educational awareness and principles of legal knowledge
  • supporting and advising a governance body
  • communication and relationships
  • performance and professional development
  • enabling effective governance

You will be supported by an initial briefing and receive telephone and e-mail support. You will compile a personal e-portfolio of evidence against the standards for assessment with the support of your assessor. Resources to support the programme are provided.

The support and engagement of your chair of governors and headteacher are essential to the process. Your completed portfolio will go through initial assessment by the assessor and then internal and external moderation to ensure consistent, high standards are maintained.

Successful candidates achieve a certificate of achievement in Clerking for Governance Bodies in Schools and Academies.

Common questions

What is the difference between training and accreditation?

When people are learning a new skill, like driving, they undertake training to help them to develop the necessary skills and knowledge. When they reach a competent level they take a test to prove that they are fully competent. Accreditation is an assessment process that enables clerks to undertake self-directed learning and to develop professional practice. That practice is evidenced through an assessed portfolio tested against national standards.

What are the outcomes?

The TAC Programme has been running for 20 years and is externally moderated. To date more than 1,000 clerks have completed the programme across the country, either as an individual candidate via direct assessment or via their LA service or clerking service employer. There are currently a number of LAs using this programme, working collaboratively to reduce costs and drive-up standards in clerking.

Customer feedback

Clerks who have completed the programme tell us they have:

  • developed their knowledge and skills
  • undertaken a wider range of professional tasks
  • improved the practice of their governing body
  • improved or enhanced professional working with their headteacher and chair
  • gained confidence and are able to intervene more easily to advise
  • gained a sense of achievement
Programme cost


Cost independent HCC Clerks including portfolio charge £425

Cost independent non-HCC clerks including portfolio charge £590

Contact Governor Services

If you would like to know more about the benefits of the programme or to register your interest please contact us.