About HIAS

We share your passion for delivering the best possible education for your pupils. Schools must be focused on a programme of sustainable improvement to raise the standards of achievement, and we can support this process at every stage.

We are committed to helping schools improve the quality of their teaching and learning. Our consultancy and inspection services are tailored to each individual school, based upon in-depth discussions and careful observation, and are highly relevant to the needs of your practicing teachers.

From whole-school management through to staff development and training, our services are designed to ensure the maximum benefits to your pupils with the overall aim of improving the outcomes for all.

Service features

  • Inspection, review and evaluation: Tailored to the needs of the school, covering subject inspection, cross-curricular aspects, pedagogy, safeguarding, curriculum development, leadership and management
  • OfSTED inspection preparation and follow-up: Assistance with self-evaluation, devising action plans and applying the OfSTED framework and criteria
  • Curriculum development and teaching and learning support: Advice and support for individuals, groups and whole-school staff across the whole curriculum, directly or through quality assured practitioners, seconded from schools
  • Management and professional consultancy: Advice and support to individuals and groups, or the whole staff, across all aspects of school and staff management, such as development plans, organisational analysis, induction, careers advice and professional counselling
  • Staff development and training: Assistance with formulating and interpreting development and professional learning plans in the context of local and national policies. We also offer a wide range of courses covering subject-specific areas and general school development, delivered by HIAS personnel, through HTLC
  • Annual conferences: Subject and audience-specific conferences aimed at providing insight into new ways of working, changes to curriculum and ideas for developing excellent educational practice, with inspirational keynote speakers and workshops with leading teachers
  • Staff structures and selection: Assistance in the selection, appointment and induction of high-quality staff
  • Special educational needs review and evaluation: Review and evaluation of SEN provision, policy development, classroom organisation and management, behaviour management and pupils’ access to the curriculum
  • Advice and guidance: Access to advice and information on specific aspects of curriculum, health and safety, audio visual aids, strategic planning, resources and statutory requirements
  • Curriculum support centres: Our centres for History, Maths, RE and Rights and Diversity Education provide access to resources for loan or purchase, reference libraries, venues for curriculum planning and telephone advice

Benefits to schools

  • We share your commitment to school improvement for the benefit of your pupils
  • All our staff are qualified teachers with extensive teaching experience
  • Many of our advisers have been headteachers or senior leaders during their careers
  • Our services are tailored to each individual school to ensure their relevance and achievable impact
  • We undertake regular evaluations and reviews of our services using feedback from headteachers from all phases of education