Data management support
- In school support
Support can be provided for senior leaders, middle leaders, governors or teachers on the use and interpretation of data to support learning and improving outcomes. Typical support can include the interpretation of IDSR and more analysis through FFT within the local and national picture, supporting newly appointed senior data leaders, setting up data tracking and monitoring systems and providing whole school training. In addition, governor training in data to support and challenge school leaders is available.
To discuss your individual needs please contact our data management advisers:
Name Job title Contact details Tania Harding Secondary Inspector/Adviser and Data Performance (Secondary KS3/KS4/KS5) [email protected] Stuart Adlam Primary Phase Inspector and Data Performance (Primary) [email protected] Jeremy Malessa-Thompson Primary Phase Inspector and Data Performance (Primary) [email protected] - Support meetings
The Primary Assessment Network meetings run throughout the year and are aimed at senior leaders or assessment leads. They provide up-to-date information around the statutory moderation and assessment process for Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 as well as picking up on key themes and trends around the local and national data context. Colleagues can sign up to these meetings via the Learning Zone.
The Secondary Performance and Progress Group (PAPG) is a network meeting that meets twice a year for an update and discussion on matters of mutual interest, particularly concerning data and the curriculum. The meetings are for secondary headteachers and members of the leadership team responsible for data. They take place in May and November each year.
For details of the forthcoming meetings, please visit the LMS.
- Useful data sources
- FFT Live
- DfE performance tables
- Perspective-Lite
- IDSR (Ofsted School Inspection Data Summary report)
For more Hampshire School Performance and Forecast Data email the DQC team: [email protected].