Resources to support PSHE/citizenship and PDL


All schools should have an anti-bullying policy. Policies and programmes should reflect the risks associated with online behaviours as stated in the statutory RSE guidance.

Drug, alcohol and tobacco education

Education around alcohol, tobacco and other substances is now a statutory requirement as outlined in the statutory guidance for RSE and Health Education (February 2019). Lessons should be sensitive to the needs of pupils and age appropriate. For support, information and resources around drug, alcohol and tobacco education please use the following links:

Drugs, substances including psychoactive substances


Tobacco education

  • Smoke Free Me – Lesson plans and resources on smoking and e-cigarettes for teachers and youth workers
Financial capability

The statutory guidance for RSE does not include provision for financial capability. The DfE has stated that they believe that maths lessons can be adapted and applied appropriately to provide the knowledge and skills associated with finance. Citizenship education offers opportunities to develop understanding of financial issues. Both the PSHE Association and the Association for Citizenship Teaching offer support and resources around financial capability.

Relationships and sex education
  • Relationships education is statutory in both primary and secondary schools. There is no parental right of withdraw from relationships education.
  • Sex education is not statutory in primary schools: "Where a maintained primary school chooses to teach aspects of sex education (which go beyond the national curriculum for science), the school must set this out in their policy and all schools should consult with parents on what is to be covered. Primary schools that choose to teach sex education must allow parents a right to withdraw their children. Unlike sex education in RSE at secondary, in primary schools, head teachers must comply with a parent's wish to withdraw their child from sex education beyond the national curriculum for science."
  • Sex education is statutory in secondary schools but parents have the right to withdraw their child "up to and until three terms before the child turns 16".
  • Schools should read and develop policies and programmes for RSE in accordance with the statutory guidelines

For more information, support and resources for RSE.

Sustainable travel

My Journey Hampshire – The My Journey campaign seeks to reduce school run congestion by encouraging pupils, students and parents to walk, ride (push-along) scooters, cycle, 'park and stride' or use local bus or train services to get to and from school or college. Using active forms of travel like walking and cycling to get from home to school or college can help pupils and students to stay fit, arrive more alert and refreshed and is fun and sociable.

Travel and Transport to School website

Hampshire sustainable modes of travel for children and young people strategy – supporting healthy and safe movement for all