Funding for Hampshire Learns Providers
Provider funding 2022/2023
Skills and Participation will continue to develop its plans to secure quality learning provision and forge partnerships with learning providers across the county to develop and deliver adult learning in various locations and online.
As part of these plans, we are seeking to subcontract some of the ACL funding we receive from the ESFA to enhance the opportunities available to learners and improve the geographical access to these opportunities.
Skills and Participation allocates Adult and Community Learning (ACL) funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on an annual basis. Funding is apportioned to approved providers for each academic year (1 August to 31 July), to support adult and community learning activities.
We currently operate a Framework Agreement with a range of non-Hampshire County Council providers and we operate Service Level Agreements with a number of Hampshire County Council providers.
The Adult and Community Learning Strategic Commissioning Plan outlines the requirements and approach of Hampshire County Council to support its strategic and organisational objectives and targets for the 2022 to 2023 academic year. It details the type and extent of ACL activities that Hampshire County Council, in conjunction with its key partners, is seeking to secure for 2022 to 2023.
Skills and Participation will provide successful targeted and universal learning opportunities for the 2022 to 2023 funding year with the following outcomes:
Hampshire Thrives
4,862 learners to take part in targeted programmes to support family learning. Programmes include English and maths skills (including ESOL), digital inclusion, community cohesion, health and wellbeing.
Hampshire Works
1,333 learners to take part in targeted programmes to support adult learners (19+) in receipt of Universal Credit to access employment, including those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Programmes include English and maths skills (including ESOL).
The total number of learners is 6,195.
There will be a dual approach to funding:
- Existing non-Hampshire County Council providers can seek to apply for funding as part of the current Framework Agreement
- Existing Hampshire County Council providers (such as schools, libraries) can seek to apply for funding to continue with their Service Level Agreement arrangements
For further information about funding for adult and community learning provision in Hampshire, contact:
- Claire Allen - Development Manager (Hampshire Learns)
- Mobile: 07925 034959
Email: [email protected]
- Mobile: 07925 034959