Multiply for Communities
Multiply has developed short community courses to help boost confidence when using maths skills in everyday life. These workshops are popular within local community settings such as schools, colleges, and community centres. We can develop bespoke courses to suit your needs.
Learn more about what Multiply has to offer communities.
- Bang on Budget - a session that will help manage household budgets more effectively.
- Coffee, Cake and Calculations - an introductory course that will help broaden numeracy skills.
- Help with Homework - a session to increase confidence of parents and carers to support their child's maths progression at school.
- Nutrition and Numeracy - a session that will help you to apply your numeracy skills to everyday nutritional needs.
- Payslips and Pensions - a session designed to help understand payslips, pensions, tax and more.
- Supermarket Spies - a session to boost understanding of supermarket deals.

Educational and fun!
Further Information and Get in Touch
Find out more about how Multiply can help you. Our highly experienced tutors would be happy to answer your questions. Send enquiries through our register of interest form:
Multiply - Register of Interest Form