Feeling more in control

These links provide resources to help you develop habits to help you feel more in control of your feelings, your workload and your relationships with others.

Reduce your anxiety

Anxiety arises from fears about the future, where we predict and believe bad things will happen. We don’t actually know what is going to happen but we feel powerless to do anything to prevent it! Before we know it, our thoughts and feelings have taken over and we’re catastrophising.

We can’t control what’s already happened. We can’t control what we don’t know. The important benefit from this resilience habit is that we see what we can influence and feel more empowered to take some action. Clarifying what we can influence gives us a useful focus, which feels much better than catastrophising.

Download the Reduce Your Anxiety habit


Considering consequences

It’s easy to go through your busy working day fairly blinkered about what you do and the knock-on effect of your actions on others. It’s easy too, to be defensive when challenged about something you forgot to communicate, without realising the inconvenience it caused for others. Considering Consequences is a resilience habit that keeps you aware, responsible and accountable by simply thinking through what’s likely to happen if you do something, and, if you don’t. It’s surprising how the consequences become very significant very soon and how quickly they go against personal or organisational values.

Download the Consequences habit

Teacher's Guide - Building Resilience

This guide is intended to support teachers with practical advice on managing the challenges for them in key areas such as demand on time and managing change.

Download the Teachers’ Guide – Building Resilience



This resilience habit is about rights-respecting behaviour - it reminds you what that looks like and how it feels. It nudges you into having a respectful attitude at work, respecting others and respecting yourself.

Use this tool to reflect on your interactions each day and consider: When did I come over as Big i? When did I go into little 'i' behaviour? When did I see and communicate I to I?

The very best way of developing equalIIse behaviour is to invite feedback from others on how you came across, for example, asking a trusted colleague after a meeting to describe your behaviour using the equalIIse model and vocabulary.

Download the EqualIIse habit

Uphill struggle

Most people nowadays feel like they are carrying a heavy workload. The reality is unlikely to change, what can change though is your personal resource, your ability to deal with it – to keep well, to feel strong and to have the stamina to keep going. Resilient people are attentive to all the aspects illustrated here, in particular the content of the load and the amount they are carrying.

What do you really need to be carrying today? What are your true priorities that are manageable and what do you do with the rest? How do you manage, negotiate, shed and share workload?

Download the Uphill Struggle habit