Manage the demands on you

These resources will help you to manage the demands of your job

Teacher's Guide - Building Resilience

This guide is intended to support teachers with practical advice on managing the challenges for them in key areas such as demand on time and managing change.

Download the Teachers’ Guide – Building Resilience


5 Whys

Resilient people know what they stand for and why they do the job they have chosen to do. Knowing your qualities, strengths, purpose and values gives you a strong core. Reminding yourself of these during difficult times and through challenging circumstances will keep you more focused and stable.

Download the 5 Whys habit


Headfirst is a publication by Headteachers for their wider Headteacher colleagues. The document provides quotes and comments from practising Headteachers across Hampshire on their perspective of Headteacher wellbeing and resilience. Headteachers are encouraged to use the document to prompt their own thinking and to support discussions regarding wellbeing and resilience with senior colleagues, fellow headteachers and governors.

Download the Headfirst tool here

National Teacher Workload Reports

The workload challenge, launched in 2014, received over 44,000 returns with marking, lesson planning, and data management being raised as the critical areas of workload concern for teachers. Earlier this year reports were published in relation to these areas following the establishment of three independent workload review groups.

Whilst Hampshire County Council has established project groups with representation from schools across the county to explore the content, concepts and current practice, the wider teaching workforce is encouraged to be aware of these reports and explore what they mean for their own practice, discussing their thinking with their own senior leaders.

View the National Teacher Workload Reports

Facilitated network groups

Hampshire Teaching and Leadership College have a number of networks across subject areas and themes. Those who have leadership responsibilities are encouraged to access these meetings and develop networks of colleagues in similar positions.

Dates across the year available in the training directories. School staff must engage with their headteacher or senior leader if they are keen to attend as there will be a cost involved to enable the network to function dependent on your school’s service level agreement arrangement.