Improving your work-life balance
These links will help you consider whether your work-life balance works for you, and provides tools to help you make changes to improve your life, both at work and home.
Teacher's Guide - Building Resilience
This guide is intended to support teachers with practical advice on managing the challenges for them in key areas such as demand on time and managing change.
Download the Teachers’ Guide – Building Resilience
Occupational Health Support
Support from Occupational Health is available to those schools who have a service level agreement with Occupational Health for this provision.
Work-life balance
Advice from Health Assured (only available to those whose schools have bought into the Health Assured service)
Please contact your Headteacher or Business Manager for log-in access to this site.
Resilient people remember what they appreciate and value in their life, routinely. You can do this too by identifying 3 things each day that you value in your life, that you are grateful for, or by simply stating the best bits of the day. You’ll find, even when things are tough, that reflecting in this way contributes to feeling glad, or a little bit better, routinely.
Flexible working requests
All employees are entitled to request flexible working. Please contact your Headteacher or Business Manager for further advice on the process within your school.Support Staff guide
This guide is intended to help school support staff with practical advice on managing the challenges for them in key areas such as demands on time.
Download the Support Staff guide
Headfirst is a publication by Headteachers for their wider Headteacher colleagues. The document provides quotes and comments from practising Headteachers across Hampshire on their perspective of Headteacher wellbeing and resilience. Headteachers are encouraged to use the document to prompt their own thinking and to support discussions regarding wellbeing and resilience with senior colleagues, fellow headteachers and governors.
Where does our time go?
Use this tool to identify how you use your time. Visualising this will help you to think about whether you are making the most of the time available to you, or whether you would like to make some changes. Download the Where Does Our Time Go toolConsidering Phased Retirement
Phased Retirement - Teachers
In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Teachers' Pension Scheme, an employee who is aged 55 or over has the right to request Phased Retirement.
This option is aimed at assisting employees in easing themselves into retirement and allows employees to continue working whilst receiving their pension benefits subject to criteria being met.
Flexible Retirement - Support Staff Members aged 55 years plus
In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Local Government Pension Scheme an employee who is aged 55 or over has the right to request Flexible Retirement.
This option is aimed at assisting employees in easing themselves into retirement and allows employees to continue working whilst receiving their pension benefits subject to certain criteria being met.