Transition to Post 16
Supporting care leavers as they transition into post 16 education, employment and training
Virtual School and Hampshire Futures Education and Participation Team (EPT) work together to ensure that young people in care have access to good quality post 16 education, employment and training. The Virtual School post 16 team and EPT provide specialist support advice and guidance tailored to individuals aged 16+ (including Year 11) as they transition from Year 11 into post 16 education, training or employment.
The Virtual Schools Post 16 team expects that every young person will:
- Achieve their full potential
- Take up and attend a full time education, apprenticeship, training or employment opportunity
To support young people the Virtual School Post 16 team will:
- Raise the aspirations and attainment of young people in care
- Directly support the most vulnerable
- Raise awareness of the importance of education and lifelong learning with all people associated with young people in care
- Help create opportunities for young people in care to achieve success in their educational careers
- Work closely with all agencies to improve educational opportunities for young people in care
The Virtual School Post 16 team offers a spectrum of support according to need that can be defined as follows:
- Strategic monitoring and tracking
- Careers advice and guidance
- Intensive interventions to remove barriers, raise self-awareness, motivation and aspirations to enable progression towards Education, Employment and Training (EET)
For further help and advice, contact the Virtual School.
Useful links
- Participation & Lifelong Learning
- Leaving Care team
- For further information regarding grant funding which may be available to 18+ Hampshire Care leavers through HOIRST and MACE see Course: Hampshire Futures Careers Information Service and select the tile: Information for those in Care & Care leavers
Young people moving to post 16 education, employment or training
For information about the Pathway Plan and Personal Education Plan for post 16 please visit Hampshire County Council - local offer for care leavers.