Other local authority (OLA) top-up
We offer schools an effective and efficient administrative service which covers the calculating, billing and collection of top-up funding (Element 3) for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for whom a local education authority other than Hampshire is financially responsible.
Delivered by experienced accounting practitioners, this service can significantly reduce the administrative burden on schools and provide peace of mind regarding the correct and timely collection of income.
As we are operating on behalf of the school through the shared bank account, this service can only be purchased by Hampshire maintained schools.
Service features
- Available for all phases of Hampshire maintained schools
- Participation is on a rolling basis. Six months notice can be given to withdraw from the service as and when you wish
- Top-up funding is calculated and collected in a timely manner (usually termly in arrears)
Benefits to schools
- In-depth knowledge of the top-up funding system, including inter-authority processes
- Extensive network of contacts and good working relationships with other local authorities
- Removal of the administrative burden for schools
- Funding will be collected and allocated in a timely manner
- Assists schools with financial planning by giving peace of mind that income is correctly and efficiently collected