Leadership development
From the Hampshire Teaching and Learning College

Offering access to outstanding professional development for current and aspiring leaders in educational settings. We support individuals, teams and school partnerships in growing future leaders and delivering strategic leadership goals.
This course has by far been the most influential of my career… it has been life changing.
Service features
- Professional development delivered by an organisation with a proven track record
- High quality programmes for senior and aspiring leaders
- Programmes for middle leaders
- New headteachers' induction and coaching in the early phase of headship
- Development of programmes reflecting best practice in line with current thinking
- Bespoke programmes to match individual needs
- All provision is planned in consultation with experienced headteachers and deputy headteachers, who also facilitate on a number of programmes
- Advice and support for senior leadership teams and individuals, in relation to:
- developing leadership and management skills, qualities and behaviours
- effective performance review
- succession planning and strategies for building leadership capacity
- Access to online support
Benefits to schools
- Established core programmes which have raised aspirations and confidence levels for senior leaders who have moved on to the next level of leadership, including headship
- 100% positive feedback from participants on all core programmes
- Strong working relationships with local and national partners, including universities, teaching schools and other local authorities
- Highly skilled practitioners with an in-depth understanding of schools and experience across all key stages