School Travel Planning
We work with schools and colleges in Hampshire to encourage alternatives to car travel on the school run. By encouraging walking, cycling, scooting or using public transport for school journeys to help reduce congestion and pollution, the local area should become a nicer place to live and learn.
We have developed engaging initiatives that are inspiring teachers, parents and children across the county to get involved and make travel to school a lot more fun. We offer scooter training lesson plans, walk to school maps and Park & Stride advice to name a few. All of these initiatives can contribute to Modeshift STARS national schools’ awards for your school. The team offers a wide range of resources for ready-made lesson planning right across the curriculum, and general school travel planning resources to support challenges and competitions throughout the year.
Service features
- Access to the national online travel planning tool, Modeshift STARS (School Travel Accreditation Recognition Scheme), to update and maintain travel plans, resources and initiatives
- Half a day of training on the benefits of Modeshift STARS and how to use the online planning tool
- Support with school travel plans. Either voluntary travel plans and travel initiatives or travel plans required as part of the planning system applications and conditions. Including implementation and measures
- Scooter training to enable teachers to show safe scooting to pupils
- Engineering advice on school gate congestion and access to school issues
- Support with setting up safe and suitable Park & Stride sites to reduce drop off congestion at school
- School maps which identify pupil locations as well as walking routes and distances to school, cycling paths and bus routes along with Park & Stride sites close to school
- Support with identifying and bidding for funding for physical improvements that can improve walking and cycling infrastructure such as crossing points and cycle storage
- Air quality monitoring, advice and resources to encourage clean air around the school
- Curriculum materials to provide an easily accessible series of lessons and ideas which aid with the integration of sustainable and active travel education into the curriculum
- Downloadable resources which can provide a fun way to encourage active travel on the school run, including our Parkwise Promise
- Active travel challenges throughout the year run by My Journey and charity partners Living Streets and Sustrans
Benefits to schools
- Assist with decreasing school gate congestion and associated safety issues
- Improve the health and wellbeing of pupils, parents and staff
- Improve the air quality around the school
- Provide good evidence for funding bids for infrastructure works from travel planning activities
- Improved relations with local community e.g. residents regarding parking issues
- Improved travel and access information
- Increase in walking and cycling levels to reduce the school’s carbon footprint
- Improvement in road safety awareness
- Evidence for aspects of the Healthy Schools, Eco Schools, SMSC and other curriculum areas
- Provide a smoother transition process with linked schools
Helen Harris
Travel Planning Manager
- Phone 0370 779 3978
- Email [email protected]