Travel planning services

We work with organisations in Hampshire to encourage and enable alternatives to car travel for everyday journeys, helping to reduce congestion and pollution. We do this by promoting active travel, public transport, car sharing and reducing the need to travel. As a result, the local area should become a nicer place to live, work and learn.
A travel plan is a package of measures aimed at encouraging sustainable travel and reducing reliance on car travel. A travel plan will be required for most developments, including school and university buildings. A travel plan can also be a response to issues at an existing site, such as congestion, parking problems, low staff retention, poor air quality or future expansion plans.
Service features
- Support with travel plans. We can write and implement voluntary travel plans or travel plans required as part of the planning process
- Travel plan coordinator services to deliver an existing travel plan
- Engineering advice on congestion and site access issues
- Support with setting up 'Park & Stride' and cycle sites
- Maps identifying staff or student postcode locations as well as walking routes, cycling paths, bus routes and Park & Stride/Cycle sites
- Air quality monitoring and advice to encourage clean air around sites
- Active travel challenges throughout the year run by My Journey and charity partners: Living Streets and Sustrans
- Access to the national online travel planning and accreditation tool, Modeshift STARS (School Travel Accreditation Recognition Scheme), and STARS for workplaces, to update and maintain travel plans, resources and initiatives
- Half a day of training on the benefits of Modeshift STARS and how to use the online planning tool
Benefits to schools
- Improved health and wellbeing
- Improved attendance, reduced sickness absence and increased productivity for those travelling more actively
- Sites more accessible
- Eased parking problems and reduced need for and cost of providing parking spaces
- Decreased congestion at peak times improves commuting travel times
- Financial benefits from public transport discounts, car sharing, cycling and walking
- Improved opportunities for those that experience accessibility difficulties
- Less potential for overspill parking into the local neighbourhood
- Opportunities with the wider community including local businesses
- Cleaner air
- Improved personal and road safety
- Reduction in noise pollution
Hampshire Services Travel Planning Team
- Phone: 01962 845638
- [email protected]
See our travel planning packages flyer for further information.