Connect for iPads

The Secure Access service also allows you to set up and use Connect on your iPad.

The Secure Access service can be ordered through the Service Catalogue using the Secure Access Service option.

These instructions should work for most users, but you may experience compatibility issues with other applications on your device, or when the Citrix application that is used to access Connect is updated.

Set up

Search for the Citrix Workspace app in the App Store and install it.

Open the Citrix Workspace App and click Add Account.

ipad passport citrix add account

The New Account screen will be displayed, in the Address field type in and click Next.

If you see an Error screen at this stage stating Could not verify server address, click Manual setup and make sure that Web Interface is selected on the New Account screen.

Further fields will now be revealed on the New Account screen. In the Description field type in Connect, leave all other fields as they are then click Save.

connect ipad settings

Citrix Workplace is now installed and the initial Connect logon screen should load automatically.

Log on

Open the Citrix Workspace app and tap on the person icon in the top right corner, then tap on Connect.

hc ipad launch

A screen with a several icons will be displayed, click on the appropriate icon for your organisation.

A HantsConnect screen will be displayed, enter your:

  • Hantsnet User name (Hantsnet ID)
  • Password (Hantsnet password)
  • PIN + token number, enter the PIN you have already set up for HantsConnect, and the six digit number that you generate with your token.

    Tap Log on.

    A screen will be displayed that shows all of the Hantsnet accounts and applications that you have access to (applications will be displayed on a separate tab), tap the account or application that you want to use, Hantsnet will now launch.

When Hantsnet launches you will notice a bar along the top of the screen which you can pull down. This has functions to help you use Hantsnet on your iPad.

hc ipad menu


Return to the iPad home screen - only use this option when you are ready to log out of Connect. You will not be able to return to your Hantsnet session.

At any other time, if you need to use your tablet while logged into Hantsnet, use your iPad's home screen button, then click on the Citrix Workspace app when you want to return to Hantsnet.


This function allows you to easily pair your iPad with a bluetooth device, such as a keyboard.

Arrow Keys

Up and down arrows - move up and down a screen.

Right & left arrows - move through any screens you have open.


Bring up a keyboard to use whenever you want (you may sometimes find that when you click on a field in Hantsnet the iPad keyboard does not automatically appear). 

This keyboard also has some functionality which is additional to the standard iPad keyboard such as Ctrl, Alt and Tab keys.


Instead of using the usual touch functionality of your iPad, you can select to change to a cursor, which in this case comes in the shape of a pointer.

Click on Pointer to activate it then use your finger on the iPad screen to move the Pointer to the area of the screen where you want to click or select. Click on the button again when you want to stop using this option.


This is useful when you need to click on a specific area of the screen but it is very small.

Click on Magnifier to activate it, then move it to an area on the screen with your finger - the area will be enlarged allowing you to click on it more easily. Click on the button again when you want to stop using this option.

Mouse option

A mouse will appear on the screen when you select this option.

You can drag the mouse around the screen and use the left and right buttons in exactly the same way as you would a normal mouse. You can also double tap the mouse to zoom in and out.


This button is inactive.

Log off

Log out of Hantsnet in your normal way.

When you are returned to the HantsConnect screen, click on Log Off.

Close down the Citrix Workspace app.