Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification

We support our transport planning staff to gain the Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification. It develops the skills needed to tackle the major challenges facing the transport sector

It is awarded jointly by the Transport Planning Society (TPS) and the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT).

Successful candidates demonstrate their knowledge, experience and skills by submitting a portfolio of evidence. Then they have a Professional Review interview with two senior transport planners.

It takes most transport planners at least five years from joining the profession to satisfy all the requirements.

We accept applicants at these levels:

  • no degree but able to submit a technical report demonstrating the required knowledge
  • a UK Honours degree or its equivalent and able to submit a portfolio demonstrating the required technical knowledge
  • a UK Honours degree or its equivalent and have completed the TPS Professional Development Scheme or another graduate training scheme for transport planners approved by the TPP Professional Standards Committee
  • a transport Masters degree from a UK university approved by the TPP Professional Standards Committee
  • extensive experience as a senior project manager or director across a range of transport planning skills and modes, and in a range of policy and planning contexts

Participants on the programme attend monthly meetings with our engineering graduate trainees to share learning and gain exposure to different work areas.